Health and Hope and Love and Gratitude for ALL in the time of the corona virus pandemic…
These are extraordinary times for the entire world! Whether a country is more developed or less – it matters not. Everyone is impacted by the pandemic! Chinese or German, Russian or American, English or Ukrainian, rich or poor, black or white, religious or not – we’re all the same to this “equalizer”!
Even though these times may challenge our patience, our values, our way of life and even our faith, I BELIEVE that soon this will all be behind. In face of this disease, we MUST continue to STAND UNITED and WORK TOGETHER to get through by FOCUS-ing ON HEALTH, LOVE and HOPE and GRATITUDE for all that we do have.
This mindset is extremely important, but instead of trying to educate you on its great medical implications, I want to do these 2 things…
I want to THANK YOU…
The physicians, nurses, and other medical and health professionals. Thank you, for your loving care and your drive to heal and help others! Thank you for saving lives every day and now more than ever!
The biologists, epidemiologists, and researchers in many other fields that strive toward the vaccine. Thank you, for putting your talents, time and effort into helping the world overcome this challenge!
The law enforcement…Thank you for keeping us safe and honest and helping us behave responsibly!
Military… Thank you for being there for us, putting your lives on the line to protect and save people!
The government… We know you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders having to think of today and plan for tomorrow. Thank you for encouragement and direction to make the situation more stable and calmer!
Entrepreneurs… Thank you for having a vision that inspires those that work with you and creates security in our lives, simply because you have the courage to look past the pandemic and to help where it matters now, and build a stronger economy of tomorrow.
Postal workers, grocery store teams, pharmacy workers and other people providing critical services… Thank you for keeping our infrastructure going and making sure we have the necessities of day to day life!
Teachers and others education workers… Thank you for your dedication to our children’s education and for the effort you’re putting into ensuring their future! You ARE appreciated!
All people… Such tremendous change of lifestyle required to slow down and overcome the infection in your town, state, country and around the globe is a tough thing to handle. Thank you for rising to the challenge and for being responsible and caring in everyday life – not to just protect yourselves, but to protect others.
No matter how severe is the risk that you face very day, you ALL are true heroes! Because, it takes a true hero to think of others when your own life is in danger. Thank you for your love, care and the hope you inspire!
I want to PRAY for you…
Religious or not and no mater of denomination, I believe we could all use a blessing, a jolt of luck and positivity! Now, more than ever! So, I pray for blessing on all of us – the people of the world.
I pray for those that are healthy – may the virus flee from your path!
I pray for those that are sick – may the sickness leave your body without harm!
May the hope and love plant their roots deeply in our hearts and minds, so they prevail over any fear and despair!
We can do this!
We WILL get through this!
Slava Isayev